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Symflower test

Execute tests symbolically. This feature executes the tests in your project and outputs test results and coverage information.


symflower [OPTIONS] test [test-OPTIONS] [filters...]

The command takes the following arguments:

  • coverage options
    • --coverage-file: The file path where the coverage should be written to.
  • workspace options
    • --language: Analyze with this language. By default all languages are used.
    • --workspace: The root directory of the project to analyze. (default: .)

An example of a valid command:

symflower test --language=golang --coverage-file=coverage.json

symflower test uses the following tools to execute tests:

  • Go: gotestsum
  • Java: Maven
  • Ruby: Rake

Note that coverage information is different depending on the tool used for testing. Coverage information generated by the command represents line coverage for Java and Ruby, while it represents branch coverage for Go.


Example: a project that handles operations related to geometric shapes.

Project structure:

├── area
│ ├── area.go
│ └── area_test.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go

Function: area.go contains a function that calculates the area of a circle:

package area

import (

func CircleArea(radius float64) (area float64, err error) {
if radius <= 0 {
return 0, errors.New("radius must be a positive value")

return math.Pi * radius * radius, nil

area_test.go contains the tests for the CircleArea function:

package area

import (


func TestCircleArea(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
Name string

Radius float64

ExpectedArea float64
ExpectedErr error

validate := func(t *testing.T, tc *testCase) {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
actualArea, actualErr := CircleArea(tc.Radius)

assert.InDelta(t, actualArea, tc.ExpectedArea, 0.1)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedErr, actualErr)

validate(t, &testCase{
Name: "Negative radius",

Radius: -1,

ExpectedErr: errors.New("radius must be a positive value"),
validate(t, &testCase{
Name: "Positive radius",

Radius: 5.0,

ExpectedArea: 78.5,

Let's run symflower test to run the tests in the project:

symflower test --language=golang

The command output shows us the test results and the coverage information:

?       shapes  [no test files]
=== RUN TestCircleArea
=== RUN TestCircleArea/Negative_radius
=== RUN TestCircleArea/Positive_radius
--- PASS: TestCircleArea (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestCircleArea/Negative_radius (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestCircleArea/Positive_radius (0.00s)
coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok shapes/area 0.002s coverage: 100.0% of statements

DONE 3 tests in 0.285s

By analyzing the output, we can see that all tests in the repository pass and they reach 100% coverage.

Let's run the command again, but this time let's store the coverage information in a file:

symflower test --language=golang --coverage-file=coverage.json

The command outputs the same information as the previous run, but this time, a coverage.json file is created at the root of the project with the following information:

"FileRange": "shapes/area/area.go:13:2-shapes/area/area.go:13:39",
"CoverageType": "NodeCoverageTrue",
"Count": 1
"FileRange": "shapes/area/area.go:8:59-shapes/area/area.go:11:3",
"CoverageType": "NodeCoverageTrue",
"Count": 1

The result indicates complete node coverage:

  • shapes/area/area.go:8:59-shapes/area/area.go:11:3: this range indicates the if block was covered
  • shapes/area/area.go:13:2-shapes/area/area.go:13:39: this range indicates the return statement was covered